Everyone Can Be a Designer
Why should I be taking this course?
If you are looking for an easy, informative and expansive introduction into the world of design, you've come to the right place!
What is in this course?
Designed by a practicing Product Designer with 8 years industry experience across various roles. The contents of this can be applied to Graphic Design, UI Design and UX Design as well as other understanding how design can be applied in many other arenas. This course was initially presented to frontend developers about the basics of design at Hyper Island. This information can be viewed as a set of cheat codes and will help you unlock some new ways of thinking on how to approach design.
Design Basics - Week 1
Intro etc Typography, colours, composition, crystal goblet example. What tools are useful (context for what tools to what print, UI etc) and industry standards.
Design Thinking - Week 2
More to design than execution, there are processes, tools and ways of solving problems
that influence design.
Strategies for practice - Week 3
Talk a little bit about real life limitations and how design thinking and basics can influence your real work life and practice. (Practical example would be good, how do developers and designers come together to solve a problem etc)
What is digital design? - Week 4
Introduction into digital design: what is UI and why is it useful.
Heuristics: how has it influenced a generation.
What tools do we use?
Context, UX and learning how to learn - Week 5
Some basic wisdom about working with designers and basically saying I’ve only taught a
fraction of what is out there. Stay informed and keep being curious and anyone can be a
designer if they want to be
Some Resources pertinent to the course
http://figma.com/ https://pasteapp.com/ https://www.sketch.com/ https://www.adobe.com/ https://www.are.na/ https://www.are.na/share/gwmPrlz https://miro.com/
Google collaborative tools (docs, slides, sheets etc)
https://www.designkit.org/human-centered-design https://toolbox.hyperisland.com/ https://www.gv.com/sprint/ https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics/ https://www.modularscale.com/
https://type-scale.com/ https://www.ideou.com/blogs/inspiration/what-is-design-thinking
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ https://www.creativelivesinprogress.com/ https://www.dezeen.com/ https://wepresent.wetransfer.com/category/design/ https://dropbox.design/resources
Mental Models
https://dropbox.design/article/mental-models-for-designers https://marvelapp.com/blog/design-principle-ikea-effect/ https://www.justinmind.com/blog/mental-models/
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6095883-design-as-art https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2286633.The_Pirate_s_Dilemma https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51572616-a-new-program-for-graphic-design
find more once you purchase the course!